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Monday, August 19, 2013

Hawaiian Adventure Day 4

Here is day 4 of my amazing Hawaiian Adventure. 

It all started with waking up, seeing the sunrise, and eating breakfast at swan court. 

Then, we headed to the Lahaina Harbor to go to a boat to snorkel in the ocean near a reef and see dolphins. They gave us coffee cake and Maui Golden Pineapple as a small breakfast. We were heading to the snorkeling spot when...Splash! A dolphin came so close, it splashed everyone and a whole pod started roaming around the boat. It was very cool and interesting for both the kids, and the adults. 
After this we all started snorkeling at our spot. This was in the ocean and it was an amazing thrill for ages 5-70. The reef was astonishing and beautiful and we were all upset it ended in 40 minutes. :( We all returned to the harbor and we headed to the Hyatt Regency. 

Everyone headed to there rooms and freshened up to go to the very extravagant and highly recommended Drums Of The Pacific Luau. They provided a large variety of dinner foods and desserts. To top it off, we were all treated to a series of Hawaiian Dances. To see this luau, click here. Unfortunatly, I was unable to get the entire luau. Click here to see my favorite 
dance in this luau. 
That was my 4th day of Hawaii. 

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