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Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Here's my second post about a new country and its history. 

                      History of China
       The first Chinese settlements were in 5000BC. This is as far as shelter and food go even though these were both minimal. During 1500-1000 BC an actual writing system emerged for China allowing the Chinese civilization to grow. The Great Wall of China was built in 246-210 BC to protect China from wars mainly from its west. Although the Great Wall Of China protected China from the outside world, China started extensive trading with the West. 618-907 was known as the Golden Age where art was very popular and books started to appear. Now let's fast forward to 1949
when Beijing became China's Capitol. In 1950 China supported Korea in war. In 1959 an uprising against Tibet forced Tibetan leader of Buddhism to flee China along with thousands of followers. In 1987 Hu Yaobang was removed from the role of party chairmen which led many people when respected him gathered at Tiananmen Square and protested. Later, many Chinese soldiers were sent to stop the crowd and the battle ended in hundreds killed. Later in 2008 Summer Olympics, China broke a record of winning 100 medals with 51 gold. 

                    Hot-spots of China
     Some hotspots of China are The Great Wall of China and Tiananmen Square. Also, check out the Shaolin Temple and K2. 

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