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Friday, August 16, 2013

Hawaiian Adventure Day 3

Hey Everyone! Here's Day 3 of my astonishing Hawaiian experience. 

It all started by waking up to an ocean view and we all went to eat at the swan court buffet. 
After a very large and filling breakfast the adults and kids went for a snorkeling class! Later they all relaxed at the pool. 
A few hours later everyone joined for a scuba lesson. 

After a thorough and productive scuba lesson we all headed to our rooms to dry and freshen up. After a couple hours of relaxing we all headed down to the beach, watched the sunset, and the adults had champagne while the kids had Shirley Temples.
 We all ended the day with green been fries, Mediterranean flatbread and lavender cheesecake. 
After we all ate we decided to take a star gazing tour at the top of the Hyatt Regency Hotel. Here are some amazing pictures. 

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