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This rainbow is fantastic.

Check Out This Great Picture

Just look at the amazing sky... It's amazing.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

New York: The View From A Three Year Olds Eyes (2)

It was midnight as far as I could see. It didn't seem like it with all of the lights and toy stores flashing in my face. I was tired, sleepy, and wanted to go to sleep, but mommy and daddy took me to a nice hotel on the river. I saw small boats, water, towers and my entire family including my grandma and grandpa. We saw bright lights and took many photos and I even ate ice cream! Looking forward to a new day, I was excited as can be when I took a good night's sleep to regenerate for a big day. With a place that seemed like another world, I could see countless things to explore on my new adventure. 

Our first full day in New York sent shivers through my spine. We spent hours and hours strolling through Times Square,but I didn't mind. I saw a countless number of frantic New Yorkers racing through the streets, divulged in a sweet chocolate-y Nutella empanada with bananas and strawberries, and fended off the pigeons who wanted some of my delicious treat. I couldn't blame them! We went in and out of stores, coming out with new bags every time. The lights were flashing, there were dancers on the streets, and everyone complimented my cuteness now and then. After strolling past the  stores everyone seemed so interested in, something caught my eyes. IT WAS MINNIE MOUSE WAVING AT ME!!!!!! I started screaming my head off when I saw her motion towards me! We took hundreds of thousands of pictures when the amazing Toys R' US store towered before me. I ran in with mommy and daddy shuffling towards the toys and candy and Ice cream and TOYS! After buying the entire store's inventory, I enjoyed some candy, watched the dinosaurs, and went about with my day. Of course the fun had to end eventually, but we saw cool buildings, birds, planes, busses and more. A few hours later around nightfall, some action started to happen! There were flashing blue lights going up and down a wall, the circled around me, and I tried to foolow them. This was probably the coolest thing since Dora. It kept me busy for hours and hours when I became exhausted and crashed. This was more like a dream than anything. I saw so many things, had so much fun, and I couldn't wait for tomorrow. 

Sunday, February 16, 2014

New York: The View From a Three Year Old Eyes (1)

Now let me tell you story of a young 3 year old kept in a land of adventure and promise. They called it New York. By day, it was a series of streets and roads and stores barricaded by people; busy people going to work, catching the next tour bus,or even grabbing a slice of New York style cheesecake. But by night, it was like she was enclosed inside of a gleaming disco ball. Lights would flash, rapidly through the streets, cheering everyone's spirit if they weren't already exhausted. To this young girl, this place was a mystery, perhaps a perfectly wrapped present with a surprise inside. She was in the place "they" called New York. 

Words to Live By

The World is a Book. Those that do not travel only read a page. 
~St. Augustine

South Africa: Destination Hotspot

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been blogging for a while, I promise to get back on track! 

      You may or may not consider South Africa to be a hotspot where everyone is raving about but I would suggest putting it on your traveller bucket list; here's why. 

South Africa is a very family friendly and fun place for a vacation. Whether you're going on an adventurous safari with your family, or playing with the penguins in Boulders Beach near Cape Town. Kruger national park, well renown around the continent, is a great place many people enjoy admiring the majestic view or keeping your eyes peeled for exotic animals. Beach lovers can stroll on the sands on the Cape Town beaches, especially because of the Atlantic, Indian intersection. Do you want time alone to relax? Go to the western(Atlantic) side for sunbathing and watercolours painted in the sky. The Indian Ocean has a more family-friendly environment with surfing lessons and lifeguards for safety. You can even visits Soweto Township in Johannesburg for a cultural and historical side of this area. For example: the Nelson Mandela museum. Have fun and happy valentines day!!!


Saturday, November 9, 2013

Montréal, Quebec

      Hey Guys! Today I would just like to keep you guys updated on my travels! I've recently visited Montreal in Canada for a long weekend. 

      After hours of traveling, my family joined another group in Montreal at the Hyatt Regency Montreal. Quebec was a French speaking province so getting there was quite tough. 
    We all got settled, admired our view, and we took the metro to grab a bite to eat. 
    We all unwound, relaxed, and got a good nights sleep for the next day...

    The next day, our little clan headed for the metro again on our way to Old Montréal. We were astounded by glorious and rustic buildings throughout our stroll. In Montréal, riding bikes throughout the city is very common. 
   We were all on our way to see Notre Dame, which was the focal point of our trip. We finally arrived. We were caught in admiration of the fine architecture, and we stayed for picture for a while. 

Montreal was a great experience filled with fun and education. The food, however was some of the most authentic I've ever seen. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Yosemite National Park

Today's National Park is Yosemite National Park. Here, you can see magnificent waterfalls that are very well known along with many valleys, and meadows. The grand sequoia trees are found in this National Park. For more information on this park and how it's preserved, visit

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Your vacations

Hey Guys! I haven't been able to post lately so I want to hear something from my viewers. Tell me a great recent vacation you have been on recently and I will post about hotspots and your personal experiences. Feel free to post a great vacation spot and the name of your blog if you have one. I will feature your vacation and blog on my next post. 

Which Countries Did You Visit?